Nexus Project


Twinning Research and Innovation Institutions to Design and Implement Inclusive GEPs

NEXUS co-designs, implements, monitors and evaluates innovative and targeted actions aimed at bridging inclusivity gaps in nine research organisations and their respective R&I ecosystems with the aim to bolster institutional change through the development of inclusive Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in intersectional and intersectoral directions.

Objectives of Nexus Project

The overall goal of NEXUS is to bolster institutional change through the design and implementation of innovative inclusive actions leading to the advancement of GEPs to support the further development of partners’ GEPs in intersectional and intersectoral directions, achieved through processes of mutual learning in a twinning scheme and capacity building (led by SV) to go beyond the minimum GEP requirements as defined in the Horizon Europe eligibility criterion, and to ensure the sustainability of results.


Our consortium consists of 7 universities, 2 research institutes and 1 SME from Europe covering Western (Ireland and France), Central (Hungary and Poland), Southern (Italy) and Southeastern (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Serbia and Turkey) regions, all with a strong STEM orientation.

TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY DUBLIN Le Mans University IIT Frederick University Koç University Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski University of Niš Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd AGH University of Krakow Smart Venice

AGH University of Krakow